
Of cabins and campfires.

I didn't even leave the cabin today. Drinkin' Pabst and listening to Charlie Daniels by 11 am. Nighttime brought steaks on the grill and more beer. When the rain let up I built a campfire to make smores. Life is good.


Way up in the mountains...

Well we made it. This is the view from the back porch of the cabin. Mount LeConte in the distance. Present coordinates 35deg 45.100' N 83deg 31.579'W

Gatlinburg, day one: a mobile post.

View from our lovely ninth floor room at the Park View hotel. After a drive around the Roaring Fork Motor Trail we check into the cabin later today. I can't wait to get up into those mountains on foot. Local hikers say the mountain is muddy right now from spring thaw, I hope my flatlander feet can handle it. More to follow, cell signal permitting.



Little kitty taking a nap!