

Cocked, locked and ready to rock!

It's a done deal. I have my tickets in hand and a room reserved, all thats left is to wait. Only took me 2 weeks to finally make it down to Jannus Landing but it was worth it to avoid giving my money to TicketBastard. Those dicks wanted to add over $8 PER TICKET! For 3 tickets thats over $24, and the tickets are only $20. Kiss my pale white ass! I would rather spend 3 bucks on gas and the rest on beer.
Which is exactly what i am doing right now at Midtown Sundries. Konichiwa bitches!


When life gives you lemons, hit the pub.

I am tired and angry and in no mood for anybody's shit. I got in a fight with a friend at work, and got in trouble for being the intolerable ass that I am. But the day is over and the weather is nice, and I get to hang out with a friend tonight, and I thoroughly enjoyed my beers so far. I gotta say it was a good day.


Signs, signs, everywhere a sign.

How many people even notice what is wrong here?



Slow work days rule!

I had the day off today and it was better than a weekend. Firstly, I wasn't on call, which is always nice. I got to sleep in with no interruptions, no calls, nothing. I had my coffee and downloaded about 25 new CDs which led to reorganizing my music collection. Got my lunch on at Old Chicago, with a few good beers of course. And next its off for an evening of Guitar Hero and Wii. Hooray beer! Hooray days off!
