
I can't help but laugh

I don't know why, but ever since I saw the 'Slap Bet' episode of How I Met Your Mother I can't help but be amused by slapping people in the face. It just feels so fucking good. I mean, how else can you inflict physical and emotional pain on someone, without really injuring them in any major way? I just love it. It all started with the 'you can't eat that whole gyro' bet at the Les Claypool concert. Anthony, Mark and I slapped the shit out of each other more times than I can count. And it was funnier than hell. Although Ant has pretty big, heavy hands.

The tradition was carried on at the Rev. Horton Heat show, right there in the audience. Strangers around us must have wondered why three grown men were smacking each other across there (drunken) faces for no good reason. It's a wonder security didn't think we were fighting.

Well, I just saw last nights episode, and I laughed so hard I left a little drop of pee-pee in my shorts. Seriously, I can't wait for the next get together so I can lay one down on the first guy to spill a beer.

I think Marshall says it best in the following song:

And if you haven't seen the show, you deserve a good hard slap in the face yourself.

1 comment:

Hamish said...

Is this game going to keep evolving into Fight Club? Although, being drunk, it does take alot of the sting out of the initial slap...after the first one, its alllll funtimes. How old are we again? Waiting in vain to find out when Ween will be coming to us. In the meantime, I am doing some curls in anticipation...