
NEWSFLASH: Dry ice is fun. RC submarines rule.

As I left work today, somebody said "Hey, want some dry ice?", indicating a 2 cubic foot box at his feet. I said "Seriously, you dont need it?" which seemed to confuse him because I think he was just kidding when he offered it, guess he was gonna throw it out. So I said "Hell yeah, I'll take it" he asked what I would use it for, to which I replied "I dont know but it'll be cool whatever it is". And off I went, happily carrying home the 10 pounds or so of frozen CO2.

Lets just say that dogs dont like the sight of a room filling with thick, ground clinging fog.

So after I wasted most of it just making things smoke, I found this. Which by the way, came from hackaday, one of my fave websites and basically my reason for starting this blog. Go see all their other hack goodness sometime.

And per Wazoo's request that after I perfect my video housing I add some sort of guidance system to it, I present this link. Also from another great blog, Divester.

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