
I love beer, beer loves me.

I'm on the 'wall of foam'I knew it had to be there, I just never wanted to stand there long enough to find it. I notice I'm in between "The Wolcott's", I wonder what Kevin thinks of that?


Why don't people come hang when they say they will?

I knew you guys wouldn't make it. Good thing Mo has my back. Cool to see Brett and Jen again too. Brett just finished driving down from North Carolina, and he managed to come on out and tip a few with us. Now thats dedication!

Wednesday nights at the Emerald

Since I sold my Wii yesterday, and Guitar Hero is up on ebay right now, I need a new hobby. I figure double crown on the rocks should do for now. Of course if that gets boring there's always beers at Dunedin Brewery later. Mo is bold, or crazy, smart enough to ride her scooter all the way get a ride from downtown St. Pete to Dunedin. Can't say the same for me. I'm rollin on all four wheels tonight. Let's see if any of the quitters from work actually show up, doubtful. And yes, that is a challenge.


Help me choose my next License Plate

I will soon be up to renew my registration and tags, and have decided to finally go ahead and get a custom one. After seeing the cool motorcycle plate in Bradenton a few weekends ago, I decided I had to have one too. So I searched a few ideas on the HSMV site, but I can't quite make up my mind. And so I turn to you, dear friends, to help me decide. Please use the poll at the left of the page to vote for what you think would look good on the back of my (sorry looking) ride.


Surgical Services Holiday Party

Yesterday was our Holiday Party at work, aka. Second Annual O.R. Turkey Fry. Its your standard workplace potluck, but last year we decided to fry a couple turkeys out by the loading dock. They went over so well with the people who had never had one that this year we had a big demand. So this is where I spent at least half of my workday yesterday. I fried a total of 7 turkeys. Four were for at work, and 3 went home with various people. By midday most of the O.R. team was out there, and many of the other departments had heard about it and came to check out what we were doing. The smell spread across the entire back of the building, and once it got sucked into the intakes, permeated some departments inside. Thankfully the facilities manager was very cool with us boiling 8 gallons of oil over an open flame (slipping him a drumstick helped) and let us get away with it. Next year I'm going for 3 fryers and 9 birds!


Florida is filled with scary drivers

It's always a bad sign when you can't even see a driver in the car.

Best Damn vanity license plate yet

How fitting for a Triumph. (They're English)Besides the ones who moved here from somewhere in the UK how many people here even get this? I'll tell you. About 1/10th of one percent. Maybe.


Skip on top. Reverse on bottom. And that's how you play...

Everyone MUST play this. I will be distributing printed and electronic copies of the rules sheet. The girl who came up with this is a pure genius. Hint: if youre playing with whiskey, add LOTS of water if you want to see the end of even one game.

And yes, the picture is sideways. Deal with it.

Nekromantix @ State Theatre

Nekromantix rocked the State last night, great time. I had not realized it until they started playing, but the singer/bass player is also in the Horrorpops. Who I also happened to see at the State, and they rocked the joint too. And what would a night out in St Pete be without a trip to the Emerald after for drinks. And then of course the obligatory 3:30 a.m. stop at St Pete Diner for eggs n' bacon. Monique was in fine form again, and I got to introduce some of her friends to the 'slap game'. Ah yes, another night of physical violence against relative strangers. When will it end?

UPDATE 12/10/2007: Here is a video I forgot I had shot. At 176x144 its not the best resolution , but what do you want from a phone?


Sorry, no PBR here.

It's a Damn shame when you walk up to a bar and the first thing you see is a sign telling you what you CAN'T have. Even worse when it's something you actually want.


Hangin with Vinnie Paul

That's right, Vinnie Paul from Pantera, Damageplan and now of Hellyeah! Caught the Hellyeah show at Jannus Landing last night thanks to Gen and Dave, and got to hang at Tamiami after with Vinnie. After that we all went down to St Pete Diner for breakfast, then back to the bus for shots of Crown Royal and Skyy. Kick ass night, I stayed out way too late again and paid the price. The guy is totally cool too. He hung out like just another one of the gang, no rockstar attitude or ego, no namedropping, nothing. We all sat around breakfast just shooting the shit and laughing. Funny fucker too. Too bad his brother couldn't have been there, he was probably just as cool. Rest in peace, Dime.

I just wish Anthony could have gone, he would have crapped his pants. I mean that in a literal way, he would have pooped on himself.


Golds up in my moufs

I get my new crown installed in a few minutes. I never thought I would have a gold tooth. At least its in the back or I would have had to get my initials in it or something. Sucker is heavy too. Great, one more way that I am more valuable dead than alive.


IP logging can be fascinating.

Where does that put you in my visitors log? Scroll down, there's plenty.


Enough with the plastic guitar already!

With all the Guitar Hero posts lately, I figured I would pass this on. I got a clip of my old buddy David Vincent bringing the metal for real. This is from Wacken Open Air, the biggest heavy metal fest in the world. These guys are shredding it up for REAL, no colored buttons here. This is METAL. Enjoy it fuckers.



Pad Thai and cocktails rules!

Am I the only one who wants to have fun?

Thank God for Mo. Cause nobody else wants to hang out and have a few tonight.

Perfect to the third power.

Went to bed last night and didn't fall asleep, so I fired up the geetar machine. After one warm up song, I nailed the next one 100%. Then the next one, and the one after that. Three in a row bitches! More screens to follow. Shit, right now I'm on a stool sipping my Crown.


I can't help but laugh

I don't know why, but ever since I saw the 'Slap Bet' episode of How I Met Your Mother I can't help but be amused by slapping people in the face. It just feels so fucking good. I mean, how else can you inflict physical and emotional pain on someone, without really injuring them in any major way? I just love it. It all started with the 'you can't eat that whole gyro' bet at the Les Claypool concert. Anthony, Mark and I slapped the shit out of each other more times than I can count. And it was funnier than hell. Although Ant has pretty big, heavy hands.

The tradition was carried on at the Rev. Horton Heat show, right there in the audience. Strangers around us must have wondered why three grown men were smacking each other across there (drunken) faces for no good reason. It's a wonder security didn't think we were fighting.

Well, I just saw last nights episode, and I laughed so hard I left a little drop of pee-pee in my shorts. Seriously, I can't wait for the next get together so I can lay one down on the first guy to spill a beer.

I think Marshall says it best in the following song:

And if you haven't seen the show, you deserve a good hard slap in the face yourself.


No seriously, I do other stuff too...

Since the last week of posts has pretty much been Guitar Hero related, I will continue the trend. This time only to point out that now matter how into it I might be, there are others out there who make me still look sane by comparison. Case in point, this picture Anthony sent me, whoever did this has really gone off the deep end.


Second post for today, this can't wait.

I knew he would do it. After playing last night, there's no way he could resist rocking out on his big new TV. Too bad he has an xbox so we can't use both of our guitars together. Oh well, at least there's two more air-rockers in the neighborhood now. Gotta go. Its time to bring the rock!


Guitar Madness continues to spread

I think I have been charged with a divine mission, get every person I know to at least try Guitar Hero. And in the process infect as many as possible with a ridiculous obsession for the game.

Last night my neighbors Jade and Lindsay came over, and after a little encouragement from Sarah, tried out the game. Lindsay took to it right away and is already a worthwhile player. Jade had a little problem getting started, in part because he has an injured eye right now, but has picked it up also and swears he can get the hang of it 'within a week'.

It warms my heart to know that I am not the only one to be strangely captivated by this little plastic guitar and all the little colored dots.

Nothing else to write about right now, things have been stuck in the work-eat-sleep cycle this week.


Dentistry sucks...

I'm not one of those people who is afraid of the dentist, and I'm not one who hates the dentist. Let's just say that for today, he is not my favorite person. Why is it when I try to 'use up' my insurance it costs me more money? So now I am $900 lighter in the wallet and cant chew on the left side. Hoo-fucking-rah!

The side of my face is numb and I would oh so cherish a pint right now. But if I tried to drink it I would end up with it in my lap. What a waste.

Mmmmmm, good thing the cookies Dora from work baked me are nice and soft and crumbly.

Guess there's nothing left to do now but go rock out some Guitar Hero, I set a new personal best on Welcome to the Jungle today.


The sickness is spreading...

That's right, I made believers of them both. Last night Gibby and Sarah ended up coming by after dinner to drink beer and play Guitar Hero at my house. They both thought it was soooo lame when I bought it, and me even lamer for wanting it so bad. Well give them an hour on easy mode and they came right around.

I think Gibby might even LIKE playing it. Even with his fucked up pinky finger. (You'll have to ask him)


Timing is everything, and diving is off for another month.

This photo was taken in Buford Sink sometime this week. The last time Gibby and I walked out there a month ago it looked like a mudhole. Too bad now that it has cleared up, I'm on call the next two weekends. And this is after I bought myself a new dive computer and a new digital underwater camera, just my luck.

And I was really looking forward to trying to get a very similar picture when we went. I love the way the light rays were captured. Thats just what it looks like when you're in there, you can still see the trees above even down at 140 feet.

Oh well, the good part is the water will be the same temp in December as it was in July. It will just be an easier walk out there.


I've got a Devil in a Bottle!

Last night fuckin' rocked. It was Reverend Horton Heat with Hank III and Nashville Pussy at Jannus Landing. I went with Anthony and Mark in what is becoming the semi-annual boys night out in St Pete. Like last time we got there early, checked into our hotel rooms, and convened at Midtown Sundries for lunch and drinks. After watching Anthony down a strange combination of 3 different liquors, Mark and I finished our Jack&Cokes and headed across to Detroit Liquors for a to go bottle.

Wellllll... the first bottle of Jack was gone before doors opened. Which was no big deal cause I was already loud 'n proud at that point anyway. Good thing I had that flask full of Crown Royal in my pocket ;)

Hank III rocked but I can't remember most of the Reverend's set. Primo as usual I'm sure. I was too busy weaving around the crowd and spilling beer everywhere. I ran into Dave and Gen, Kristin, Monique (and her twin sister - oops!) and Blake. All of whom were surprised to see me, though I think it might have been disgust, not surprise on their faces.

The whole night pretty much ended up looking a lot like this. I had a great time all around, but might have pushed my luck with the drinking a little. If it weren't for the fact that a lot of people hadn't seen me at all in a while, I might have made an ass of myself. OH WELL. Those of you who know me, know by now that I can get a little 'hyper' sometimes. But I also know that you guys all love me anyways.

Here's to all my good friends, you guys all rock!


Happy FREAKIN Halloween!

Spent Halloween night in Miami with Gen and the gang. I saw a lot of people I had not seen for years now. A lot of old Tampa pals were there, plus slave Chris from Ft Lauderdale and Chuck the INS Guy. It was a lot of fun, and interesting to watch the show get set up instead of doing it. This was probably only the third Gen show in my life that I have just watched from the audience. It was kind of surreal.

I saw the best costume last night, and I wasn't even sure if it was meant to be a costume at first. Who can guess who this guy is supposed to be?

Anyhow, the weather sucked thanks to Hurricane Noel, and driving in the rain in Miami is no fun. Somehow I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning for the drive home, even though I was up WAYY past my usual bedtime.

I'm not programmed for the rock schedule anymore.

To anybody who might have been there, get in touch. I miss rockin out occasionally.



Cocked, locked and ready to rock!

It's a done deal. I have my tickets in hand and a room reserved, all thats left is to wait. Only took me 2 weeks to finally make it down to Jannus Landing but it was worth it to avoid giving my money to TicketBastard. Those dicks wanted to add over $8 PER TICKET! For 3 tickets thats over $24, and the tickets are only $20. Kiss my pale white ass! I would rather spend 3 bucks on gas and the rest on beer.
Which is exactly what i am doing right now at Midtown Sundries. Konichiwa bitches!


When life gives you lemons, hit the pub.

I am tired and angry and in no mood for anybody's shit. I got in a fight with a friend at work, and got in trouble for being the intolerable ass that I am. But the day is over and the weather is nice, and I get to hang out with a friend tonight, and I thoroughly enjoyed my beers so far. I gotta say it was a good day.


Signs, signs, everywhere a sign.

How many people even notice what is wrong here?



Slow work days rule!

I had the day off today and it was better than a weekend. Firstly, I wasn't on call, which is always nice. I got to sleep in with no interruptions, no calls, nothing. I had my coffee and downloaded about 25 new CDs which led to reorganizing my music collection. Got my lunch on at Old Chicago, with a few good beers of course. And next its off for an evening of Guitar Hero and Wii. Hooray beer! Hooray days off!



Made it to 100 on the World Beer Tour

Almost there, 10 more and I get my name on the "Wall of Foam". Great way to be recognized for a pattern of overconsumption.


And i'm spent...

Got it all up there. It goes really fast once you know how to do it.

We made a dent in it at least.

Got the first half up yesterday, 26 bales to go today.

Lowe's delivered me a little present.

Oh boy...


Hotel room injustice

How the hell can you go making room 420 a non-smoking room?


Les Claypool rocks! Wheeeeeeeee...

This is pretty much what the entire night looked like from my perspective. I cant seem to get the motion blur off of my memory.

Opening bands suck

They are called 2g's and it is all i can stand to make it through their set. I am too drunk and it's too fucking hot to stand here another half an hour.


Of cabins and campfires.

I didn't even leave the cabin today. Drinkin' Pabst and listening to Charlie Daniels by 11 am. Nighttime brought steaks on the grill and more beer. When the rain let up I built a campfire to make smores. Life is good.


Way up in the mountains...

Well we made it. This is the view from the back porch of the cabin. Mount LeConte in the distance. Present coordinates 35deg 45.100' N 83deg 31.579'W

Gatlinburg, day one: a mobile post.

View from our lovely ninth floor room at the Park View hotel. After a drive around the Roaring Fork Motor Trail we check into the cabin later today. I can't wait to get up into those mountains on foot. Local hikers say the mountain is muddy right now from spring thaw, I hope my flatlander feet can handle it. More to follow, cell signal permitting.



Little kitty taking a nap!


I like pond... sexy time!

Started digging and lining my Koi pond this weekend. Looks like the project will move slower than expected though, pond kits are for small shallow ponds... not in ground pools! I thought I was going to get away with one of those pond-in-a-box kits, but the liner would only accomodate a 2 foot deep pond and I need at least three. On top of that the pump and filter setups are not sufficient for a fully functioning live pond, which is what I want. So I went to Coolponds and got a liner of my own, and got it dug in. Now I am in the market for a proper pump and filter, the pumps are expensive at the pond stores, so I will use my penny pinching skills to get this one done on the cheap too.
The hole as of this morning, a little too big to start

Liner inside, starting to fill er up

More to follow soon...


Bashin on a Sunday afternoon.

Anthony and I got the trucks pieced together again, so we went out to get them back to the way we like... broken.
Went out under the CR54/Old 54 bridge overpass again, the berm we built last time was still there. We both got some good runs in on the baby powder consistency sand. My truck has no 4WD right now so I was rear wheels only, made for lots of donuts.
Anthony's is running like a banshee right now, smokes by me even with my 3 speed transmission. Must be time for another engine rebuild. My new Venom Smart Temp failsafe kicks ass! Any time I run it too hard and get a little hot, it takes away some throttle so I have to let it cool down. Really helps with tuning by letting me know just when I exceed my temp limits. Worth the $41 definitely.

I got some video clips and we took still pictures too. I will try embedding the link to my Picasa Web Album below to see how that works. I should be able to add the video through Google videos as well, once I get it transferred.